The thing is.... I don't do them.
My one feeble attempt to make a New Year's Resolution was a thought that ran through my mind once on January 1st one year. They just don't mean much to me. So... lets not call this experiment a New Year's Resolution. Let's call it a lifestyle change. Because that's what I'm really hoping it is. Ladies and gentleman... I have joined the masses. I am attempting a JUICE FAST! I'm actually finished with my first day today-- progress! Of course I couldn't write about it until now in case I couldn't even finish it. But.. now that the first day is over I'm feeling pretty good. I might even make it alive to day two, then from there it's just one more day! Not like my weekdays don't go slow enough as it is...sheesh.
What really made me want to attempt this fast, and hopefully start making healthy choices altogether, was a little documentary called Hungry for Change. And seriously... if you have Netflix, watch this. It almost brought me to literal tears I felt that strongly about it. Here is the link to the trailer. Trust me when I say.. you'll think twice about what you put in you, your kids, and your spouse's bodies.
So... day one began!
These are my ingredients for my first juice. I can NOT believe that much stuff made one glass of juice! I think I'll be at the store quite a bit for the next few days.
Day 1 report: Today was not the easiest... I have felt like I'm in a fog all day, I've had a constant headache, and EVERYTHING smells and looks amazzzzing. As we speak, B is making pancakes. Kill me. But I'm so proud of myself for staying strong! And I actually have not felt that hungry... I'm beginning to see that the way we eat has more to do with our social mindset instead of our necessity mindset. It should be an interesting next couple days-- I'll keep you posted!
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